Monday, January 26, 2015

The child was big and weighed 4110g at birth. Born 42 + 0 and induction: D The more you look, the e

Days of the deadline should be 1.14. The first and second how do seashells form period put the ultrasound 20:01. Šois said immediately that the guy is great, and the growth of the so-called money. His walking was generated by a computer as well as the date at 20:01, but in terms of predicted growth of 15.1. The third term on ultrasound were 14.1 and pregnant again on the map is ultimately 1.15. When did you?
Well, they are not old peasant weather wisdom and guugeldamine something does not, however, own a little exciting again. Surfing any page with 130 comments, I read the first 40 out, on this basis, I made statistics - 14 children (or 35%) came before, and 16 children (or 40%) after the proposed deadline, exactly 10 children (or 25%) during the term. How big is tõenöosus to 25% in mahun I get there? ;) Please!
I have read that if the week cycle was regular and accurate, it is also the hope that the days following the date is correct and in all probability will sünnitadki. I really thank the pregnancy was all so-called anti-patches-vinks vonks, but it still looks down and no one does not know. Beebs must still come to you whenever how do seashells form you want. It is good in that it has not yet been received so far. Every day it becomes more and more mature, and it larger and more viable :)
Triin said:
I had an ultrasound when the deadline for both days of 10september Tips For 32nädalal wanted to come back but luckily kept, and no child did not want to come to the end. Born induction 22september ie 41 + 5nädalal Werewolf under the pains endured for about a month.
My first child was born a girl by day, is estimated how do seashells form to have the right day. The other was the son of the week wore. The third daughter was born at a time determined by ultrasound. Fourth maternity daughter went over the three days.
The child was big and weighed 4110g at birth. Born 42 + 0 and induction: D The more you look, the exact date, it tüenäolisemalt going over. Murphy: D
The period laid down were 5 December (this is my own birthday too), all of the UH-d, and other studies have confirmed the same, once the date is not changed. I began to ache in the evening of December 3rd, 5th, however, but a child born in the evening. So every dot went all :) On Friday, celebrating the second anniversary together.
For me, the first child was born two weeks before the deadline uh, days of the past three weeks. Another was born exactly on the day of week, according uh 2-3 days later. Both boys. I think that if you have a regular day, and it's good to be out there, then it is after all :) 15:01 born very soon;)
The deadline was 4:07, and 1:07, and the boy was born. :) I just commented on one of the familiar, the girls will usually be: D. Since I wanted to in the heart of the 4th birth, the paranoid mind getting ready to put a 1 in the bed together (my mom said so when he put the bed together, my sisters, was born three weeks immediately before the time). I imagined that I can try all sorts of techniques in order to induce pregnancy, but tühjagi.
First came a day after the deadline, and the other lady decided instead that the stomach is so good, and was born only 41 + 5 weeks. At stake were both tiny, one in 2930 and another 3240 gr gr. The cycle has always been irregular.
First time was a child, I did not remember because the deadlines vary daily. It was then on May 26, June 2 and 4, June Fell exactly between the two, and on 3 June. The second child at the time knew the day and the time limits were 26.Oktoober .. He was born on 27 October and 28 October, although I think myself that if these doctors would pain me to many toppinud he might really have been 27. Now we also know as the days were. Before it was so, that was the month of April päevad..Krt 3 times a day for 15 days of the month are not normal: D Then there was the 2nd of May and deadlines of 4 February and 5th of February. As the emperor sure I do not know what all will be: D
FB group, for example, was born one month before the deadline of 75 children, 4 to 93 at the time and date. Thus, the probability of giving birth at the right time should be pretty close to zero, according :) my baby I was allowed to transfer only six days because he was 4,5kg, it had to be induction. He decided, how do seashells form however, challenge yourself to come to start the day, so no medication for me is not been fed in. In his circle teangi Personally I think only two people whose children have been born on the exact due date.
I was placed in each of the ultrasound from the outset as the deadline day, you even put Sois exactly the same ... 29 March, however, said ämmakas to ask my mom asked if the children were born sooner or later or at the right time. A mother of three children, all born in about three weeks earlier and it had to be pär itav in many cases, and so it was. Ämmaka the last visit he had already said that we are probably no longer the case-and it was almost two months to maturity. We are not met her more begotten away on March 10, before the next meeting ämmakaga. The child had already been a pretty good weight, the right term would be difficult to deal gone :)
12/15/12 Deadline for me were not changed, and it never once in all my acquaintances as amended, was born on 12/17/12 relative deadline :)
We had a deadline imposed 7.okt, but the girl decided how do seashells form to come 2.okt.

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