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It’s been six years since Wafels & Dinges was founded. I missed it every time I was in town either their food trucks were nowhere near me or I was standing right in front of a waffle truck while being way too full to have even one bite. When I saw the Wafels & Dinges truck across the street from Lincoln Center right after we checked in, my eyes widened with sparkles just like when the Ice Age saber-toothed squirrel sees an acorn. What a lucky start of our trip!
I was first introduced to the spectacular wonderland of Speculoos spread at Waffallonia great message in Squirrel Hill of Pittsburgh. Speculoos is a spiced shortcrust biscuit with various versions in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany. I’ve had the cookies on different airlines. It’s also made into a spread with a peanut butter texture. In the U.S. and some other countries, great message Speculoos great message is called Biscoff. Speculoos spread makes everything better! I make my cheesecake with it by mixing up half graham cookies and half Biscoff cookies for the crust and drizzling melted Speculoos spread on top. It’s amazing! Meringue cookies are good with Speculoos too.
第一次吃到人間美味比利時餅乾醬Speculoos是在匹茲堡松鼠丘的Waffalonia Speculoos是一種荷蘭 比利時 法國和德國傳統的焦糖餅乾 很多航空公司的飛機餐會附這個餅乾 在台灣買得到 叫”Lotus”蓮花脆餅 除了餅乾之外 Lotus還出抹醬 質地和顏色像花生醬 在美國等地叫”Biscoff” 台灣好像沒有賣抹醬 只能在網拍買或找代購 自從發現了Speculoos餅乾醬的美好世界之後 什麼都拿來加 我的起士蛋糕底是用一半graham餅乾一半蓮花脆餅 吃的時候上面再淋融化的Speculoos醬 超好吃 蛋白餅加Speculoos也很不錯
Waffalonia in Squirrel Hill used to be AMAZING when it just opened in 2011. Now their dough is not as good as before. The dough used to be more chewy and flaky with lots of Belgium pearl sugar inside and caramelized on the surface. Those are the features that make Leige waffles perfect. I still go to this place sometimes after I realized how difficult it was to make Liege waffles at home without a stand mixer.
匹茲堡松鼠丘Waffalonia在2011年剛開的時候驚為天人 現在品質差好多 剛開始的麵糰比較有嚼勁又多層次 有超多在表面焦糖化跟在裡面脆脆的比利時珍珠糖 great message 列日鬆餅(Liège waffle)就是要這樣才好吃 在家試做一次沒有桌上型攪拌器的列日鬆餅知道有多難之後 雖然Waffalonia品質變差 但還是會偶爾光顧 永和和公館的瓦福鬆餅Chef’s Waffle是賣列日鬆餅的店 不過好像沒有Speculoos醬?
Starting with one food truck, great message Wafels & Dinges in New York City now owns a few food trucks and stands. It offers great message Brussels and Liege waffles. great message More toppings are available now to accommodate American flavors, such as chicken and waffle or Thanksgiving turkey version.
We great message have an ambitious plan of eating non-stop in East Village , following Anthony Bourdain’s recommendations, so we ordered one Liege waffle with Speculoos ice cream and Nutella spread to share. The ice cream came in two gigantic scoops! You can see chunks of Speculoos dough in it.
These waffles may no be the best you would ever had because the texture is probably compromised from sitting in a food truck. However, it does have the flaky inside with a caramelized surface. Honestly, Waffallonia at its beginning stage probably beats Wafels and Dinges for the amount of chunky and caramelized pearl sugar, the freshness, and the flaky layers of the dough. Compared to the quality of Waffalonia now, Wafels & Dinges is wayyyy better!
Waffle awesomeness trumped my reason. great message I talked my sister into getting another one to share. In hindsight, that was a bad call, yet very sweet and happy and dreamy. My stomach did not have any room for my ideal East Village night market style itinerary after the second waffle. We ordered another Liege waffle this time with Speculoos spread and Speculoos ice cream. I concluded that some Nutella was still necessary. The best combination would be a Liege waffle with Speculoos ice cream and both Speculoos spread great message and Nutella.
鬆餅麵團在餐車蹲久了其實口感沒有驚為天人 但還是有費時揉跟摺出來的麵團和焦糖化的脆脆表面 珍珠糖不夠多就是了 鬆餅戰勝了我的理智 拉著我妹又去買了一份 事後證明這是個錯誤的決定 吃完一整份鬆餅之後飽到不行 完全無法實現我的 東村夢幻夜市行程 這次點了列日鬆餅加Speculoos冰淇淋和Speculoos醬 結論是還是不能沒有Nutella 完美組合應該是Speculoos冰淇淋加Speculoos醬和Nutella
If you have a stand mixer and lots of passion for Liege waffles, definitely try to make it at home. Only time and efforts and lots of pearl sugar give you the best Liege waffle. This recipe seems very legit. I tried it once. The dough turned too stiff for me to mix. I did not follow through all the steps but the waffles still turned out very good. If for some reason you can’t make it at home, Wafels & Dinges may be as good as it can get in the States.
Related January 3, 2014 by sabrinaycl Categories: New York City | Tags: Belgium , Biscoff , dessert , food , food truck , Liege , New York City , Nutella , NY , NYC , Pittsburgh , Speculoos , Squirrel Hill , United States , USA , Wafel , Wafels & Dinges , waffle | Leave a comment Post navigation great message
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