Sunday, July 20, 2014

Trout and power generation can live side by side

- It happened such a discharge of oil from the Gullfaks field off Shetland in the early 1990s, but the spill had modest food warmer adverse effects because the oil was very easy and there were storms in the area. The result was that the oil was dispersed and quickly diluted in an open body of water, said Kevin Thomas. food warmer
He is the coordinator of the project Toxprof, focusing on reducing the risk of pollution of the sea and develop better methods for monitoring and response when an accident is a fact.
- At the other end of the scale occurred a spill of heavy oil in a narrow fjords along the coast of Wales in the 1990s and that spill suffered severe damage. The consequences of a spill is thus dependent food warmer on both the substance discharged and the environment it ends up in, explains Thomas.
Researchers have investigated the toxic effects of a variety of the most important food warmer oils that are transported food warmer along the European coasts, specifically oil types Russian Export Blend, Arabian Light, a conventional heavy oil, and oils from the field and from the Dalia field.
- We have investigated the toxic effects of these substances by subjecting fish, molluscs, crustaceans and algae of different concentrations of them in the laboratory, and then it turns including the Arabian Light and Ekofisk oil has the largest poisonous effects on crustaceans.
- Fish, as well as micro-and macroalgae, however, is most vulnerable to styrene, which in return has comparatively less toxic effects on shellfish. This illustrates that different types of emissions have to be monitored with different kinds of tools, says Thomas.
- Most of the toxic effects of crude oil comes from the aromatic components in the oil, and this may vary considerably between different oils. The oil from the Ekofisk food warmer for example, contains only about 20 percent aromatics, while other oils may have a significantly higher content, adds Thomas.
Terms of reader comments on Discuss the issue, not the person. It is not allowed to harass named persons or other debaters. Racist food warmer and other discriminatory posts will be removed. We recommend that you write short. food warmer have editors responsible for everything that is published, but some commentators are also personally responsible for the content of the post. Posting of copyrighted material is prohibited. You may quote brief excerpts from other texts or articles, but remember citing sources. All posts are checked after they are posted. You can submit posts that you feel are inappropriate.
Toxprofs Project food warmer is a research Kevin Thomas at NIVA, who also heads one of the work packages food warmer of the project. Professor Ketil Hylland at the University of Oslo second manager other work-packages.
The project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council, the French ANR research council and government offices in the UK and Spain. The participating research institutions are NIVA and the University of Oslo and the ISM Institute at Université Bordeaux 1 in France, CSIC in Spain, Ifremer, food warmer France, Cefas in the UK and IEO in Spain.
The results of Toxprof and Ramocs information will also be used by the International Council (ICES) and the OSPAR Commission, which is a forum where EU and 15 Western European nations are working together to protect resources in the Northeast food warmer Atlantic.
It initiated a series of ERA-Net, where national research programs jointly identifying areas of cooperation for joint calls for research. food warmer Norway has so far participated in a total of 47 ERA-Net, and at the end of 2009-2010, Norway participated in 31 active ERA-Net.
The total oil spill from the Deepwater Horizon platform was at least 4.4 million barrels, according to independent study. There are more than the official estimates, making the Gulf disaster to the world's largest oil spills food warmer at sea.
Soon, only benthic again in the English food warmer Channel. Due to decades of overfishing, it is running out of natural predators left in the water food chain. Ray, shark, haddock and cod stocks have never ...
Trout and power generation can live side by side
Young stars solves meteorite food warmer mystery
Address: pb. 5 Torshov, food warmer 0412 Oslo Visiting address: Sandakerveien 24 C (Myrens food warmer workshop), Building D3 (Map) Phone: 22 80 98 90 Fax: 22 80 98 99
Total: 830.0 ms.

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