Sunday, July 13, 2014

Removal of sea squirts leads to substantial additional costs for farmers and animals contains a tox

Styela clava is quite easy to recognize the striped Traps (straw, maker) and the knurled surface on top of the animal. (Photo: Erling Svensen, UWPhoto)
The Asian sea squirt has become relatively common on the ropes and piers in the Stavanger area. The South Coast is the found in several marinas in the area Grimstad-Arendal past two years.
- It is uncertain how long the species where do seashells come from has been in Norway. In 1990 underwater photographers a picture of a ascidians on a teinetau at Stavanger unless they could identify what species it was.
- At present we know very little about the distribution of Styela clava in Norway, and what effect it has on the local arts community. The species can probably thrive in southern Norway where summer temperatures easily get over 15 C, which is necessary for the species to reproduce.
- In areas where the species thrives, one can often find densities of 500-1500 animals per square meter, they can thus displace native species. Styela clava can have negative consequences for shellfish growers, as it can grow in large amounts of shells, grow boxes of shells and rope, said Husa.
In the important area of mussels on Prince Edward Island (Canada), the establishment of this species led to a marked decline in production. Sea squirt compete with mussels for food and reduces where do seashells come from water flow in the plant.
Removal of sea squirts leads to substantial additional costs for farmers and animals contains a toxin that can cause breathing problems for people if removal of sea squirts performed under poor ventilation conditions.
- We have received reports from the Norwegian construction of abnormally large problems with fouling of sea squirts. We encourage anyway oyster growers to check if they have this species in their facilities, and to contact you if they find it, says Vivian Husa.
Styela clava has little natural dispersal ability of the larvae settle close to maternally within 24 hours. The rapid spread where do seashells come from worldwide have happened by human activity.
- Although Styela clava has little ability to spread naturally over large areas, it is likely to spread further from port to port with boats and other equipment. This is observed in other parts of the world, says Husa.
Subsequently, the species has spread along the European coast, and it is also introduced to the United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. In 1978 it was registered in Denmark, and now it is quite common in the Limfjord and Kattegat.
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