In the days following the horrific terrorist attacks in Oslo, we have learned more about who the person is Anders Behring Breivik souffle cups with lids is and it gives insight into why he could do such a thing. It has come up a few details of his life that gives good reason to believe that he has a narcissistic personality disorder. A psychiatrist says Breivik have a superhero complex. This is the best explanation I've heard so far in the media of how an intelligent and seemingly normal Norwegian could leave their political frustration few outlets in the form of mass murder.
I have written extensively about superhero complex on this blog, because it is not an uncommon phenomenon. (For those who want to read anything I've written previously, I recommend especially two articles, "Crusaderism" and "A response to the super duper people.") Most people who suffer from superhero complex ends up being insignificant armchair dictators, but you can find them overrepresented among politicians, activists, prophets, and, yes, Crusaders / jihadists. The vast majority of this type narcissists seek power over other people, but fortunately there are only a tiny minority of those who are explicitly violent jihadists such as Breivik.
I'm in this article to distinguish between two types of narcissism, and I'm starting with the "classic" narcissism, people who are extremely self-centered, often looks fixed and have an inflated, unrealistic self-image and a conviction to be entitled souffle cups with lids to success, the right to have their will. This type of narcissism have been done much research and what we know is that 50 years ago was narcissism virtually absent in the West. Since the 60th century narcissism souffle cups with lids in the West exploded in scope, and this epidemic growth is thoroughly documented in the book "The Narcissism Epidemic."
The fact that so narcissism is on the rise and that you can trace it back to specific cultural trends makes it possible to rule out the possibility that narcissism is innate. It is definitely learned, and both learned and unlearned. However, there are clearly personalities who have greater facility for narcissism than others, but this is the almost anything.
Narcissism fostered in several ways, but the idea that one should praise your child for everything and get it to have great faith in their own abilities, even when there is no basis for this belief is a significant factor. Children are taught to have unrealistic expectations, and while children before souffle cups with lids said different types of occupations such as firefighter, police and nurse when they were asked what they wanted to be when they grew responds children today are increasingly they want to be famous or rich.
The second form of narcissism is not as well known and is not as intuitive. All realize that seeing herself in the mirror and dig itself is a form of self-preoccupation, but it is not as obvious souffle cups with lids that a politician, prophet, activist and crusader to be narcissist. They talk the whole time hot in the "community," "community," "peace on earth" as "saving the world" and they talk constantly about how important souffle cups with lids it is to "sacrifice" for these cases. How on earth can these be narcissists?
The answer lies in collectivism. souffle cups with lids Collectivism is the belief that there is something bigger and more important souffle cups with lids than the individual. (God, community, race, nation, culture, the environment, workers, etc.) Many collectivists go head bowed under the weight of this larger unit. These are not narcissists, but on the contrary submissive, subjugated. The altruistic narcissist other hand are those who obviously obtains energy, strength and inspiration to fight for these issues. They talk about sacrifice for the cause, but bears no mark of sacrifice. On the contrary, they seem to bring pleasure and meaning from "case" that the "burning" of.
These people are so megalomaniacal souffle cups with lids that they associate with their ego "issue" and see this as a part of himself, that his property. Common narcissists can also be described as sneversinnede. They fill their entire lives with only themselves. The collectivist / altruistic narcissist contrast filling their lives with "matter" as they have a strong emotional souffle cups with lids relationship and that they treat as if it is part of them.
Breivik for example, associated so strongly souffle cups with lids with Norwegian and European culture that he felt as an attack on his life that Norwegian and European souffle cups with lids culture was during his experience as attacks. So strong that he was willing to murder almost 100 people. Some Muslims are so personally offended that someone draws a caricature of Muhammad that they react with violence and murder. Many environmentalists are so emotionally attached to birds and mosquitoes that they are willing to take political decisions that murdered millions of people. souffle cups with lids
The ban on DDT is an example souffle cups with lids of this. DDT became known after the war as a miracle cure that helped to extinction past