Friday, May 23, 2014

To six years so I decided to send in the Jewish school, but there were written only seven years. Th

In this interview, Paul Glasser, Co-Dean of the Weinreich Center for Yiddish at the YIVO, talks about his life growing up in Brownsville, Brooklyn, how his interest in Yiddish developed from casual candy jar favors childhood contact into a lifelong passion. He discusses his doctoral dissertation on the system candy jar favors of gender determination for Yiddish nouns, his work on the English edition of Max Weinreich's historic History of the Yiddish Language, and his upcoming bibliography of publications by the YIVO-Institute for Jewish Research. He also discusses the meaning of raising candy jar favors a child in Yiddish, as he and his wife Gosia are raising their son, Sender.
It is becoming a tradition begin our conversation in the column "a figure for the American Jewish peysazh" with the question about the babyhood. What was the world where you have won? Who are the people who have you surrounded? candy jar favors Whether candy jar favors they spoke Yiddish? To know from where it was in the failure veldl from your generation taking such plant, like you, is very important to get an answer on these and other issues.
I grew up in kanarsi, Brooklyn. candy jar favors Born in 1957, I resided there until year 1969. Then is the area stress of 90% of Jews who have aribergetsoygn of bronzvil and East - New - York. See out that there was already impossible to live. Gradually they aroyfgearbet ... kanarsi same as one currently is for the other world - war was Huile swamps. But after the build in place houses and apartments, the area was a lot nicer that it was certainly aroused there Jews from bronzvil.
Yes ... I generally thought that somewhere 90% on the world Jews, and then there are still a few other people. Today is kanarsi a place of karibeishe black, but look out for Jews.
Yiddish I heard only from grandparents, who spoke English, but among themselves - Yiddish. Points out that because of this, I myself interested with Yiddish. Actually I'm the one in the family who was on the farkukt or interrogated. And when it came the time that I was sent to the "worker - Ring" - school, which was found two - three steps of our home; Exact opposite the primary school where I went. Today, incidentally, is the former Jewish synagogue a baptistisher church.
As the mother told me, she decided then himself to learn Yiddish, because in her home was not talking to Yiddish. Her parents candy jar favors have comes from Hungary and are already of Hungarian generation, ie, in the home spoke only English and Hungarian; And as for My Father 's family is everything when only Yiddish, she also wanted to learn Yiddish. Just then he taught Yiddish at the Berlin College; She started walking on a course. She brings candy jar favors home Jewish bikhelekh, and I hold myself to them shortly. I was then, seems, was five years old.
To six years so I decided to send in the Jewish school, but there were written only seven years. That the mother had to go for ourselves try to be and it pueln at the teacher, yankl shiny. From the 1940 he until the 1980s years, he was a renowned teacher and lecturer in New - York. Very strange person was. I remember, he was sitting in class at an iron table, and that he would be in anger, he gave such shock at the table that I thought - the world ect yourself! Travels was a little kid ... that the mother must pueln at him to leave learning a child, which is not yet seven years old. She said that I have already started learning Yiddish and should continue candy jar favors ... have shiny asked: "Whom learn he jewish?" - She said that at her. She really candy jar favors learned in college, as said, but little that learned. He begins without to speak with her in Yiddish, candy jar favors looks longer on me, I may carry with him the conversation. Until today business she thereby, but she loves to tell next.
So I took in school, and I was maybe the one who's had learned with desire, because the other children were sent - the parents have so desired; It is no rare thing that sent he them in a Jewish school, candy jar favors so that they, the parents, they do not need to make this. They wished that their children should announcements a few Yiddish, grab a few Judaism, Jewish history - that everything he taught; But this is nothing, or almost nothing out. Course, that if the home is in the were not to some reference, candy jar favors the child not want to learn. candy jar favors Unless, one an individual, candy jar favors a crank, such as I was, though home is near us was, if not Naira

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