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It will not be compulsory pension - the so-called SP-system - that's shell napkin rings going to save the Danish economy from the downturn that threatens the horizon. shell napkin rings It says the Social Democrats finansordfrer, shell napkin rings Morten Bdskov. It is simply not a useful instrument, no one is on the way into a recession. shell napkin rings Already giants Danes with higher shell napkin rings fdevarepriser, more expensive shell napkin rings gasoline, and there is turmoil on the housing shell napkin rings market, and there is no recipe to force the Danes to save, says Morten Bdskov. shell napkin rings Irresponsible politics He acknowledges, however, that the SP scheme shell napkin rings is a tool that can take the pressure of the economy.
But in this EVENT should be - says Morten Bdskov - sttes into the overall budget, which currently houses the second part of the tax, the government frte through the last r For us, this is an indication that the government has frt an irresponsible economic policy is now forsger it's to straighten up on it by forcing people to save, says Bdskov . Do not fremlgge S-proposed However, if this is not the solution, it's social democratic politics that instead to send more money to private consumption? . Socialists fremlgger his budget proposal, no government has prsenteret her. The proposal will as always be financially responsible. But the more I will not say it, fr it becomes prsenteret, he says. The government fremlgger his budget proposal on Tuesday.
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Poster Danish Poster Art relaunches and republishing the best among Danish advertising posters from the period 1900-1965. 'Hummer' is from 1917 and designed by Aage Lund Oscar Fredericksen Fiskehuset No. 1
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