Saturday, May 23, 2015

Then we searched for the evening camp but we were surprised that every individual has a mountainous

On our first visit to Hisma Behrtna the beauty of the land and also surprised the amount of Arabic inscriptions in Mount ship when soak built over. After the publication of Thread electric teapot warmer Maenzail we were very much about what those who left their signatures on the rock travelers and where they came from and where to go? , And also wonder if there was more of the inscriptions ... and then provided us with brother Abdullah holiday another site near Aleghan contains electric teapot warmer a large amount of inscriptions from the same period of time so we connect the lines and began the picture clearer to put the theory to the path of new convoys penetrate Hisma from south to north ... and this path will not we found it by miles or Rjum rocky as does our Sheikh Abdullah Al Shaya This is the art of not Ntguenh! We will follow this path even through electric teapot warmer the pages of engravings, travelers memories. From here came this new journey we ask God where success
Eid al-Adha day after the noon prayer was later gathered the people of Riyadh, the three of us went out one time and a half after noon busy udhiyah (sacrifice) and processing purposes morning .... The reason for the Astajalna is the distance to Tabuk must be earning a distance because the days of the holiday, "Kassar" electric teapot warmer colleague Ahmed return in his hometown kindergarten Sadir and will instruct him there ... we think of lunch for I am hungry, but the father electric teapot warmer of Mohammed solution Thread where blessed us in his home meal holiday popularity Wonderful meat and meat broth and potentiality and pirate Fablina where doing well. We came out of kindergarten Mhji such as Morocco and reliant on the Lord and we used something Messenger of Allaah? It is not too bad in the highway of protected animals hooking. Omarahna electric teapot warmer that night to the right of the line by 3 km west of the town near the rib Moukq place is quiet, clean air and a nice breeze with Mlahzaw that the degree of the upper heat of the day was 24 d jerk
We pray for the dawn and the air temperature 18 residents and gentle praise and this gospel of the best coming to our days, God willing. Soon we went back to the line after a quick coffee and went through the villages have kept their names and we loved the large Majina with Haltriv including white Nthel and Amaar bin Sanaa and elsewhere. Quiet road but be careful when passing these towns Faced with large eyes Chaib Aldatson his car out of the mainland to the line Almesflt makes 90 degrees without turning and almost shocking passenger car decoder electric teapot warmer God owner. electric teapot warmer Junction electric teapot warmer of Jahra we went right to Taima and greeted electric teapot warmer ROIFFE mountainous and cold continent and then the horse on our left Alhill White whom we have flights have a beautiful memory.
And here Taima we have great and the wall we see and we are in the car ... the hardships of the Emir of the trip for quality voile Bukhari in Taima and we have mentioned Boukbzh delicious but apparently did not hear (what I desire!) Shortly before Akulaibh is fed birds hunger and someone said "ventricular adhesive my back," So and so the heart of Abu Sulaiman. .lknh deliberately stand in place for I keep it nor the trees, electric teapot warmer but grit and Draquel The reason for this is that we want to experiment with new awning, one of the type (ARB) The truth is that the parachute proved their quality in terms of ease of jaw and Aspiration is the shadow side but need to be fastened to the ground electric teapot warmer Batnab because the air It may bring down this umbrella to provide shade Nftna victimized in time to eat breakfast and Shahi.
This trip is the opening for the new season and was out new things, including a new parachute frying pan cover our work by the liver and the appropriate Altqatia holiday Alodhy.salina back to the times and provide collection and then we went back to the road where we passed Bakulaibh then Junction Tabuk. At the entrance of Tabuk good stations and the advantages of these stations and the presence of large ice molds kind Vodanah portfolio with us in the snow and had a major role in keeping the flesh over the following days ... this kind of snow is not easily found in Riyadh and God knows why. We broke the city of Tabuk at around 3 from east to west through the field heading to. We noticed that Tabuk become overcrowded city and the crowds more than before electric teapot warmer on the road to the field we were surprised Bkther cars surprisingly back and forth at speeds scary .. They are now seeking a duplication of the road and perhaps the holiday period explain this density that did not expect .... So Mountains Hisma on our right and our left-infested camps and vehicles was planned to start the trip from the south in an honorable Mountains and heading electric teapot warmer north to cross Aleghan Hisma, and we have implemented a plan Tamguena away from Almesflt
Then we searched for the evening camp but we were surprised that every individual has a mountainous continent then tents ... people sometimes electric teapot warmer find families and sometimes cars and sometimes feed the beasts became Alkor as the term has taken him all one and many of the people of the region seem to spend the feast days here
We headed east Hnob for the continent electric teapot warmer honorable and after 5 continents and found one "empty" so to speak beautiful and the place where the sand Red sintered green Balrmt surrounding rock blond! Was we got off shortly before electric teapot warmer sunset where manipulating colors electric teapot warmer on the rocks and sand ... zap all in one hand to enjoy this cosmic beauty Before the night and signed choosing a home pregnancy and download electric teapot warmer purposes and semi fire on Abu Mohsen ...
Former House responded in a beautiful poem in which he describes the invasion carried out by the king of confusion to punish leprosy tribe inhabiting Hisma since before Islam and do not know exactly why the campaign as some investigators say that the campaign carried out by the king of Ghassan but the words of the poet (son of India) supports it intended Amr bin India King of confusion in the sixth century Aalmilada and selected lines of this beautiful electric teapot warmer poem
Almenbye alive, and informed him that the solutions of haram, or leprosy
In this continent we did not find Arabic inscriptions that we expected because this continent is far from the travel line, which will come back to him tomorrow, God willing .ojdna old rock fee for animals, some dating back to ancient periods wild Kaljamos located ... and perhaps the most beautiful thing we have seen drawing of two camels way drilling full on rock
Came in one of the pictures Nakecan: first as brothers read: (I over bin Amir) and after the ratio: (Alons a RI) say: Perhaps one of the narrators talk, he wished in (people talk Forum), electric teapot warmer commenting on some of

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