Saturday, August 30, 2014

I. Introduction Archaeological Institute of Field with jurisdiction covers five (5) provinces, name

I. Introduction Archaeological Institute of Field with jurisdiction covers five (5) provinces, namely Aceh, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Riau and Riau Islands Province, which carried such duties is to conduct archaeological research warm food in the area of correctional work and also research. This means that there are two aspects of vital activity to do a UPT Archaeology is the study and dissemination. Besides these two vital aspects indicated, archaeological research is also expected to support various government programs including providing a variety of information culture in the formation of the National Strategy Zone (KSN) which is the government's medium-term program. The existence of the Law No. 22 of 1999 on regional autonomy, the field of cultural objects including archeology is not only produced by Center for Research Arkenas and his staff but also the region. In this case entitled Local Government is also working on what became the cultural heritage. Thus the Archaeological Institute spearheading archaeological research in the area could no longer apply the sectoral ego alone but should also involve the various stakeholders in the working area. Of course, the various partnerships that are built tailored to the interests broader than just the development of science and dissemination of information. Partnerships must be really well managed, because the partnership was beneficial partnership group itself, accelerating the expected results and speed up peneyebarluasannya community which ultimately speed up and facilitate the wider utilization. Operational basis Archaeological Institute that include field includes research policy and research warm food strategies are expected warm food to provide results that can develop archaeological work in accordance with the conditions of their working area. The results of the course in accordance with the vision and mission of the broader level. Operational basis is also a beacon for the institution and its human resources in the implementation divided into three, namely short term, medium term and long term. Center for Archaeological Research policy direction field refers to three things, namely the reconstruction of cultural history, the reconstruction of the ways of life and culture depiction process. The third direction of research policy in this regard is contained in the study of prehistoric research themes namely: - Short Term, with the theme of cultural diversity warm food dynamics in northern Sumatra. In this theme prehistory research policy covers a large variety warm food of cultural aspects to it that there is a growing in this region. - Medium Term, with the theme of the study, the dynamics of cultural diversity in northern Sumatra and migration as well as the shelter in northern Sumatra. The medium-term direction of recent research in addition warm food to short-term research directions include also the emphasis on the reconstruction of the ways of life of the past in northern Sumatra with a variety of systems that surrounded him. - Long-term, with the theme of the study, who and where we: Migration warm food and housing processes in northern Sumatra, Interactions of human and natural environment of the past in northern Sumatra, Seeking the origin warm food and spread of various ethnic groups in northern Sumatra. It is expected that the long-term policy direction can explain the how and why of culture are cultural changes and how the changes in the shape and speed.
II. In 2010 Prehistoric research is to study the form of excavation Hill Shells in District Vocational Young, East Aceh district, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. It has been considered sufficient for its implementation, since these activities have been carried out for 5 (five) stages in 1997, 2007.2008, 2009 and in 2010 penelitiaan on this site does not only involve the components of HR at the Institute for Archaeology Field but also involves warm food the University warm food is in North Sumatra Province and also in the NAD as for the universities involved in research activities at this site include (Univ. Northern Sumatra (Department of History and Anthropology); Medan State University (Department of History); University Malikulsaleh, Lhok Seumawe (Department of Anthropology "Ocean University , East Aceh (Department of History)). Besides research activities here also involves warm food the history teachers in Aceh Taming warm food and do not miss the staff of the Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports warm food in the District. Aceh Tamiang. study entitled "Archaeological Research in Guard Army Shells warm food Hill site, Kab. Bintan, Riau Islands province "is also a follow-up study, which was originally a request to verify the suspected area of the site. After a review of the location in question, it seems this is an important site location suspected as one of the cultures that developed in the late hoabinh culture and very

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