The population of our planet is increasing, no spill paint cups projections indicate that we will have in 2050 for 9 billion people. According to the FAO we have until 2050 to increase production of all food by 60% if we are to feed all 6 billion mouths to feed. The problem arises because we can not increase no spill paint cups the classic arable land (fields), where the food can be in the traditional way also grown, so there is only one option and that is to produce food in a modern way and. increase the yield of the production unit. Farms must become more efficient and this can only happen with the implementation of new modern technologies.
The agricultural industry is already highly dependent on technology no spill paint cups and shows slow progress in increasing the yield. So today precision farming no spill paint cups helps farmers in deciding where, when and what to plant in order to achieve the maximum yield per hectare, which 10 years ago has not yet been developed. The next step is to get from precision agriculture, which among other things no spill paint cups also encourages today's agricultural policy move in "predicted Agriculture", which will be the main driver no spill paint cups of large databases. no spill paint cups
Precision agriculture enables monitoring and mapping products, access to "real time" data in the ground over the installed sensors, GPS tracking (and sometimes management) of agricultural machinery which only increases the accuracy no spill paint cups of certain no spill paint cups agricultural operations (sowing, planting, spraying ...) and reduces fatigue workers. So harvested crops will also pick up exactly the same, so you reduce the time passed and the associated costs.
Through mapping of agricultural land was already able to monitor the yield and moisture content in the soil, in combination with GPS technology that can take advantage of such information. at sowing, so sifted certain varieties on the floor, for them the most optimal, thereby reducing the potential no spill paint cups for subsequent stress no spill paint cups that would otherwise plant can be seen (drought, Moča). Most of these data can be monitored via smart phones that allow growers to decide easier no spill paint cups and faster for certain measures (time of sowing, watering, spraying ...).
The techniques used in precision agriculture, not only enhance no spill paint cups efficiency, but also enable producers to production planning in large volumes. Eg. Technology fertilization, planting, which holds only one micro-region does not apply to other micro area, so there is a need to use other technologies to achieve the same quality and quantity of the crop. Historically, such information is otherwise passed on from generation to generation, through personal knowledge. Announced agriculture reduces the need for such oral transmission of information, and provides us with a more scientific answers to the question of why in some areas of our ancestors did not cultivate a certain culture and what would these same areas were the most optimal no spill paint cups plant - sow today. Precision agriculture in conjunction with predictive agriculture through satellite imagery enables the management, monitoring and mapping of crop and gives us access to "live" no spill paint cups on the various contents in the soil, they can be as during handling transferred to the tractor or. Farm, on the basis of these data carried out precision work (basic fertilization, fertilizing, weed control target weeds, diseases and pests ...).
Since the precision agriculture collect large amounts of data, these data are used to predict trends. Large amounts of data have great potential for forecasting agricultural production on a large scale. However, it must be resolved before all legal and regulatory issues associated with it. While you will have a lot of growers benefit from shared data, but are likely to firms that are already in the advanced trend of farming, their data were holding themselves as long as possible.
Monsanto in 2013 summed up all the major news (articles) in respect of crops in relation to climate (hail, drought, too much rain ...). Employees are people who had previously worked at Google and do an online service in which people were enrolled before which type of weather they wish to protect. Based on large amounts of data have a few seconds to send the offer, which included no spill paint cups the climatic conditions of their locations. Initially, they offer services for all, but later focused only agriculture.
Even drone will help to complement no spill paint cups large databases in the agricultural sector. Drone make their data collection and other tasks performed completely autonomously according to the set schedule ahead without actually traversing fields. Drone will (just today) can acquire large amounts of different data that we need for precise and projection agriculture, sow different cultures, and even brought spare parts for tractors respectively. farm equipment, that failed in the field, bring a snack, keep the herd, they can be sent to remote part of the farm or. plots to check if that work on it while we will be doing other work. Drone can radically
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