Thursday, March 26, 2015

The applied pack wants only one thing: Retribution central themes such as love, friendship, hope, s

Germany. 1927. Directed by Fritz Lang. Book: Thea von Harbou. By: Brigitte Helm, Alfred Abel, Gustav Fröhlich, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp, Theodor Loos Erwin Biswanger, Henry George, Olaf Storm, inter alia, length 153 minutes (1927). 145 minutes (2010). Rated: Ages 6 and released. Available on DVD and Blu-Ray.
Story: beverage warmer In Metropolis, a giant in all respects city of the future and in the upper class living apart from the workers themselves Freder, the son of Fredersen in love, in Mary, a young woman from the lower town, noting that Mary an almost beverage warmer priest-like appearance is to listen to the workers. She says that the respective sides would not understand and need a mediator who combines the two layers. Freder at least convinced of this idea. Joh Fredersen beverage warmer who sees but threatened by Mary his power, the scientist Rotwang, the Fredersen needed once the woman has stretched and is now deceased, that developed by Rotwang machine man should get the portrait of Mary, to control the workers better to. But Rotwang uses his machine-man to take revenge on Fredersen. The machine Maria rushes the workers even more. You do not want more than "slaves" of the upper class work and plan the uprising. It comes to the revolution and the situation threatens to escalate. And Freder and Maria are the real support of Secretary of Jehoshaphat the middle.
Opinion: Fritz Lang's silent film masterpiece from 1927 takes place in an unnamed beverage warmer future. The city of Metropolis is divided into two parts. Top live the wealthy few in huge high-rise buildings, pretty beverage warmer gardens, vast and multi-level urban canyons. Stunning beauty, swank and luxury. Sports Facilities, parties. And the highlight of this upper city is probably the "New Tower of Babel", beverage warmer in which the city founder John Fredersen lives and reigns. Quite different is the situation in the lower town, where the workers live. The day after she has only 20 instead of 24 hours for the upper class, the common people have to work 10 hours in rank and file of a huge machine. After work, they are again descended into the depths, to continue living there, their dirty, monotonous and poor life.
Gigantic houses and street canyons Although the above content summary appears quite long, so it is incomplete yet by far. It happens so much that you can not play anything. "Metropolis" is primarily a love story between Maria and Freder that is from different sides, intended and unintended, torpedoed and prevented. But also a love story of John Fred and Rotwang at the same deceased woman named Hel, the mother Freder. Then, the film is a sci-fi story set in a dystopian world. Drama and Thriller, just like action and disaster film. There are numerous references to different political systems, of course, primarily Marxism. On the economy (capitalism), even religion occupies a large part when Maria and then the robot Maria as a High Priestess to the workers speak or allegory as the whore of Babylon. Social Critical elements are also provided. The authorities stubborn brain and the hard-working but often silly plebs as hands. They do not come together, as "mediator between head and hands must be the heart." The heart that is missing in this society. Heart that you need to create a good living together. beverage warmer The heart that only Freder and his love for Mary can be from the lower classes. beverage warmer
The applied pack wants only one thing: Retribution central themes such as love, friendship, hope, sadness. But even lynching (anyway one of the favorite themes Fritz Lang), lust, ecstasy, luxury, oppression, rebellion, longing. The film "Metropolis" is so much more. The buildings, the crowd scenes, the effects, the music of Gottfried Huppertz in their interpretation of Frank Strobel - they are truly epochal, gigantic and impressive. The complete movie set is flooded, beverage warmer how dare not even today many directors. Long had a reputation as a perfectionist in his dictatorial employees. So he drove his actors to beyond the limits of physical capacity. Or he left for his recordings of cars in Metropolis by stop-motion technique dislocate the single car by only a few millimeters, eight days work for only about ten seconds of film. Its employees But with his perfection, precision and attention to detail makes long the film a memorable and exciting experience - even, perhaps, just for our own time, in such kind of film hardly with our viewing habits korres

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