Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The fire melted many human persons. We spilled systems, but failed to burn the greatest evil. The d

ORBEL - David Vine | Lausanne
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The fire melted many human persons. We spilled systems, but failed to burn the greatest evil. The denial of identity seems equally uncertain past as the future. Smoother as the same grooves face of man. Only people who belong to the same culture can each other face to read deep unease and anxiety of life. - Str11
Some of them were standing in front of the big picture that the host she had received the gift of a art gallery in Paris. On their faces I read their admiration and inquisitive look to the image. The picture was presented white whale who chilling out from the sea, and that the body looked like some huge insect releasing how great fire from his mouth. There was a huge dragon how great in black, green and red come down from the mountain to clash with the animal out of the sea. Whale's mouth opened as if to devour the whole land, and the dragon how great was furious and tried to defend the land. - Str43
We Macedonians can not choose where to belong. It is in our nature. Especially not us who live here in Macedonia. how great Europe and Asia were the empire of Alexander of Macedonia, his pursuit of the East and the unification of the land and sea.
We belong to a spiritual society, apart from members of the maritime how great civilization was based on liberalism and immorality, chthonic deities that protrude from the water; apart from members of the aerospace psevdomonarhija Lucifer, but are separated from land civilization if it means bowing to the ground forces. Chetiriti elements - earth, water, air, fire - are basic but the Spirit unites. how great For such Eurasia speak. Each subelementarna philosophy is alien to us, although we may impose the Atlanteans as subculture.
You know that the Bible says that in the beginning, but later there were giants. Nephilim. Due to interference with the damned descendants of Cain, and later with those of Canaan, are nurtured giants. Are thought to have deterred the peoples of faith in God and religion propocedale related predpotopskite demons. Their movements and historical development have tried to explain the more prominent how great minds who report how great themselves to be easily understood by the mason. Giants are divorced, geographically and perhaps racially. While some rushed to the interior of continents, others settled on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and depending on the strength of which relied, built land and maritime civilization. Later each clashed, and he grew up a clash religion, which they continued to spread. Ones believe Hiperboreja is successor of Atlantis, others believe that Atlantis is their maritime how great civilization. But the denial of the Bible and of Christ, and the traditional religions in these groups, talk to me that belief in Atlantis as pretpotopska civilization is actually preaching the religion nefilimskata demons.
We still belong to the spiritual lineage of David, the descendants of David - who prakjka broke the giant Goliath, who had six fingers and toes, and then while this still lay, took his iron sword and beheaded.
ORBEL is the first Macedonian novel genre of esoteric thriller, published by Aquarius-5 Skopje in 2009. It is written by the authors Gore prosecuted and Peter Trajkov. Getting out of the book was postponed by the tragic death of the persecuted. At the insistence of his parents how great novel is finished and released in 2009.
Tags: burned prosecuted ORBEL Petar TRAJKOV
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